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Hebrew University, Jerusalem.                                           July 2020 - present

Senior Lecturer, tenure-track, Jewish History Department


Hebrew University, Jerusalem.                                                      2017-2020

Postdoctoral Fellow in the Martin Buber Society of Fellows.                                           


Israel Institute for Advanced Study, Jerusalem.                             2016-2017

Fellow in the “Jewish Women’s Cultural Capital from the Late Middle Ages

through the Early Twentieth Century” research group.


Duke University, Durham, NC.                                                        2014-2016

Perilman Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Center for Jewish Studies





Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.                                               2008-2014

PhD, Department of Near Eastern Studies.


Hebrew University, Jerusalem.                                                         2007-2008

One year of a two-year MA program in the Middle Eastern Studies Department.


Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.                                              2003-2007

BA History, Certificate in Near Eastern Studies,  

Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa


Oxford University, Christ Church College, Oxford.                        2005-2006

Princeton-Oxford History Exchange Program.




Ephraim E. Urbach Post-Doctoral Fellowship,                                                           2016-2017

Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

Bayard and Cleveland Dodge Memorial Prize for best PhD dissertation,                         2015

NES Department, Princeton University                                                                    

Kreitman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ben Gurion University (declined)                        2014-2016

Simon and Ethel Flegg Postdoctoral Fellowship, McGill University (declined)         2014-2016

Lady Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship, Hebrew University (declined)                                 2014/5

Donald and Mary Hyde Fellowship, Princeton University                                                 2011/2

Johnson Garrett ’35 Memorial Fellowship, Princeton University                                     2008/9

  Academic Merit Scholarship, Hebrew University                                                               2007/8

Joseph R. Strayer Prize in Medieval Studies, Princeton University                                     2007

Carolyn L. Drucker Prize in Jewish Studies (2nd Place), Princeton University                   2007


TEACHING EXPERIENCE                                                            

Charlatans, Imposters and Tricksters in the Medieval World.

Hebrew university                                                                                                          Spring 2021

Readings in the Documentary Geniza (MA class)

Hebrew University                                                                                                          Spring 2021

Introduction to the World of the Cairo Geniza

Hebrew University                                                                                                              Fall 2020

The Family and Life Cycle among the Jews of the Medieval Islamic World                

Hebrew University                                                                                                         Spring 2020

Introduction to the History of Jews in the Medieval Islamic World                                  

Hebrew University                                                                                                    Fall 2019, 2020

Law and Community among Jews in the Medieval Islamic World

Hebrew University                                                                                                    Fall 2018, 2020

Jews and Muslims, Judaism and Islam                                                                    

Duke University                                                                                                   Spring 2015, 2016




The value of small things, Q&A Wednesday: Blog of the genizah Research Unit

Women’s Letters from the Cairo Geniza – a podcast. Interview by Prof. Miriam Goldstein.

(with Moshe Yagur) “The Cairo Geniza and Facebook” AJS Perspectives (Spring 2018)

“A Murder in Tyre, Intercession in Egypt” (Heb.) – in Haaretz’s Social History Workshop blog.

“Protect me for (the tie of) blood and milk that is between us”

“If there is a paradise, it is Damascus”



Kinship and Community in the Early and Medieval Islamic Mediterranean

An international research group sponsored by the Haifa Center for Mediterranean History (HCMH) at Haifa University. The group will hold three meetings, two at Haifa and one at Oxford during 2018-2021. Group website: (Organized with Uriel Simonsohn).

Masculine Journeys/Journeying Masculinities

A double panel in the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July 2018

(Organized with Ruth Mazo Karras).

Emotions and Identities in Jewish Communities along the Medieval Mediterranean

A double panel in the biannual conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, Ghent, 2017 (organized with Miriam-Esther Wagner).

Individuals and Legal Institutions around the Medieval Mediterranean

International conference at Duke University, 7-8 March 2016.